Jesus blesses those who continue to believe in him even if they experience some doubt along the way. What a tender and compassionate Lord! Do you have doubts? You can safely bring them to Jesus. Do you have questions? You can raise them in the Scriptures. I really dislike that strain of “Christian” teaching that demands we never doubt or question God. The Lord is the kind of Messiah that doesn’t simply talk about being the Messiah; Jesus will prove it to you by raising the dead, giving sight to the blind, preaching the gospel to the poor, and giving evidence on which to base our faith. The way to happiness is not to give in to your doubt. The way to happiness is to answer your doubts with the evidence we have in Christ. Never treat your doubts with certainty. Always doubt your doubts. Never let your doubts have the last word. If they are truly doubts, then seek answers on which to stand. Find evidence.
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